Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thoughts on Maui Fever Episode 4

I know I'm a little late - a week actually, but I haven't had the chance to catch this episode until now. This episode starts off with Cheyne and Rachael in Cheyne and Anthony's apartment. It's only Cheyne and Rachael in the kitchen, and then Anthony pops out of no where. Now what I would like to know is, what exactly is that little loft that Anthony came out of? It was amazing! I've never seen anything like that before. It looked like it was the top bunk of a bunk bed, except it seemed to be an entire floor. Very cool.

Kevin and Sean picked up two chicks at the beach. Later on, it seemed like Sean's game was on, but Kevin's was defintely not. And it didn't help either that he was cock blocked by a dude named Jesse James.

Chaunte lies to Anthony on the phone, saying she is going to bed, when it is only 10:30. Anthony can clearly tell it's a lie, and I'm sure it will be confirmed once he WATCHES THE EPISODE! I always wondered how these reality TV characters think when they begin lying or talking behind someone's back on camera, knowing it will be shown to them later.

We meet two of Chaunte's ex-boyfriends, and make us wonder how many more are out there. My guess is a lot.

Solid ending to the episode, making us want more as soon as Chaunte enters Anthony's apartment.

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